a woman accompanied/admired by a posse of gay men, not because she sought them out (see fag hag or fruit-fly), but because said gay men are drawn to her by an unseen yet powerful force, as in a magnet; said force generally defies description, but seems most often to be founded on a gay man's admiration of an elusive quality, usually referred to as "fabulousness"
Brad: "I've never met so many hot gay guys in one place. How does Maggie know them all?"
Tony: "Honestly, I don't think she does. She's just a total fagnet!"
Brad: "She is SOOO fabulous!"
Tony: "I know right!"
by MaggieDay January 31, 2009
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They're faghags but they actually ATTRACT homosexual men.
"OMG all of our friends are homosexuals!! We are such fag magnets. No wait, we're fagnets!!!"
by MS & SGH13 April 26, 2007
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He's always getting chatted up by gay men; he's a bit of a manny fagnet.
by Doc K July 3, 2006
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a gay dude who attracts the finest women.
Bill: Bobby coulda' had that smokin' hot chick! what gives?
Roger: I guess you didn't know that Bobby is a chick fagnet...All these women love him but his heart will always belong to another man.
by bushbabies February 11, 2011
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The field of pure gayness, in the form of faggotry force, exerted by faggots. When two of these fields meet, fagnetism is the result.
Why do I feel like kissing boys? I must be caught in a fagnetic field! Oscar, leave you faggot and take your fagnetic field with you, you faggot ass bitch.
by Igor Medavoy May 23, 2006
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A heterosexual's ability to attract the

attention of homosexuals.
John: Man,how come all these gay guys

are always checking me out?

Dave: It must be your ANIMAL FAGNETISM.
by B Cube May 30, 2005
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He's always getting chatted up by gay men; he's a bit of a manny fagnet.
by Doc K July 1, 2006
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