She is a girl with an amazing sense of humor.She is beautiful inside and out but never often admits to it . She may be a little insecure but she doesn’t let it get to her. She had deep drown eyes and amazing wavy hair. Evannahs are often loyal and put others first.
“OMG ur such an Evannah”
I wish I could be more like an Evannah”
by Evannah May 23, 2019
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Loves knitted socks and sandals, preferably together. Whole wardrobe consists of clothes from Savers.
Strange face, big nose. Loves LoTR and anything Macintosh related. A bit of a mooch and loves to attach to unknowing victims. Once attached hard to hide from.
Watch out for the awkward silences when an Evannah careful as when having private discussions Evannahs are lurking around every corner.
Quick, hide it's the Evannah mooch.

Like, OH MY GOD, she is SUCH an Evannah!
by legolas (archer dude) March 14, 2008
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A slobbish nobody that dresses badly. Woolen socks with sandals are a must. Evannah's don't wash their hair and often look like they are 80 years older than they actually are.
Be sure to be careful when talking to Evannah as you may often get a Lord of the Rings or Macintosh related lecture.
Bad Nose! Not the most intelligent of creatures. May try to latch onto you and try and be your friend.
Jesus she's such an Evannah, i mean LOOK at those socks and sandals!
by Rupert Giles March 7, 2008
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