A place where your father is also your uncle, brother, and mailman.
Estacada's #1 pickup line: "Hey, sis...you awake?"
by Viper753 October 10, 2007
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A small town with a diverse culture consisting of, rednecks, hillbillies,white trash, stoners, tweakers, hipsters, nudists, religious fanatics, neckbeards and rich people. Surrounded by rolling hills and rivers it's a great seasonal town just clinically depressive for long periods of time.
I went to visit estacada but I took a wrong turn and found my self face to face with a ten year old and his daddies shotgun.
by TheTruthfulTortious April 7, 2019
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The shitty little town in the middle of highway 224. So small if you blink, you could pass it. All the girls there are sluts. Commonly referred to as "incestacada", because of all the incest.
"are you going to estacada oregon this weekend?"
"you mean incestacada? naw man, all the girls there are sluts."
"Thats exactly why you go!"
by stinky feet 1134 November 20, 2011
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