a) a German phrase meaning "glory to my white culture"
b) what a WASP says in order to point out their contempt for the behavior of a chimney-sweep.
Ehre mein weiBen kultur is not an offensive term by itself, only when it is misused; anyone, regardless of race or ethnic group, should be proud of their own culture to some extent.
by Sexydimma December 4, 2016
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a very offensive phrase used by WASP's and white Jews to insult only and specifically other white non-WASP's, white non-Jews and white non-Muslims who are pro-multiethnic and pro-multicultural to the point of being racist against white culture.
if you correctly and appropriately use the term Ehre weiBen kultur, as outlined in the definition above, you also automatically understand the supreme unalienable and undeniable reality that, while it is indeed possible in a post-colonial North American society to be white, pro-multicultural, pro-multiethnic all at the same time, it is absolutely, under any and all circumstances, forbidden by the historical reality of colonialism for any and all white people, regardless of whether they are a WASP or not, to be pro-multicultural and pro- multiethnic to the detriment of their own white culture. IMHO it is even more impossible and more forbidden for an African-American in modern North America to be pro-multicultural and pro-multiethnic to the detriment of his own cultural and historical identity.
by Sexydimma December 28, 2013
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an offensive phrase used by white people, patriots of white culture, to insult other white people who are less patriotic towards white culture.
brew your own vegetable soup; if you want to figure out what Ehre weiBen kultur means, go to google translate
by Sexydimma December 28, 2013
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Ehre is the German word for honor and is used among the German youth as a replacement for the word „thanks“ or „thank you“ (danke). It can also be used together with a thank you.
„I went and got groceries“ „Ehre, danke
by Pistl134 June 25, 2022
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a) a German phrase meaning "glory to my white culture"
b) what a WASP says in order to point out their contempt for the behavior of a chimney-sweep.
Ehre mein weiBen kultur, where the weiBen is pronounced like the English verb 'to wisen', is not an offensive term by itself, only when it is misused; anyone, regardless of race or ethnic group, should be proud of their own culture to some extent.
by Sexydimma February 8, 2015
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glory to my white culture, as translated from Nazi German/German
Does Angela Merkel even know what Ehre mein weiBen kultur means, when it comes to integrating immigrants into German society?
by Sexydimma August 3, 2016
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