A high spirited gnome. Attracts many creatures of all shapes and sizes. A funny lil squishie.
You just pulled the entire instance, you get an Ehl point!
by pandababy12 October 27, 2008
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something you say when something is funny (almost the same as lol but funnier)
ur mom: go die
you: ehl oh ehl
by runtbag October 13, 2018
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a slang term for 'LJ' which is slang for the online blogging site, Livejournal.com
"Last night I checked my ehl jay."
"Ehl Jay totally rocks."
by Rachy April 13, 2005
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DFIIYLI™ {di-fii-why-ehl-ai}

D.F.I.I.Y.L.I. - Don't fight it if you like it!

This is our life's greatest motto. If you want to do something, just do it. Don't fight it if you like it! :)

A: Dude, let's drink tonight!
B: I don't wanna drink. I'll just go with you guys and might go home early.

(After a few hours, they all got drunk and wasted.)

DFIIYLI™ {di-fii-why-ehl-ai} - Don't fight it if you like it!
by arnelreodique August 18, 2011
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When you begin to shit in a toilet, and the water splashes up and touches your butthole.
A: Dude I just went to the bathroom and experienced a naughty ehling.

B: So relatable!
by bimbambum November 10, 2017
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