fictional location in africa that is known for misadventures and ironic humor, Nick Fennema, teamed up with Master Chief, Stephen Colbert, Nigga Jamal, Vince Zephyr, Chuck Norris, Vince Zephyr's retarded younger brother (with a tail), and sometimes a guest star save many different ethnic, racial, religious, and other holidays for specific groups' holidays labeled "Christmases";
ebonia's main export is dolphins, and their current monarch is Mace Windu; instead of hours and minutes, they measure time with food increments.
last week Nick teamed up with Vince Zephyr and Sonic the Hedgehog to save "Smurf Christmas" from the evil overlord and scientologist leader Lord Xenu who was abducting elderly people in handicap accessible RVs and minivans (that can fly) to use them as batteries to revive ancient sea-dwelling dinosaurs to rule over all of ebonia
by theonepaladin April 7, 2010
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