When you watch Perfect cell vs Ugandan Knuckles by DevilArtemis. We have discovered that they really like cheese
by Ebolian queen August 30, 2018
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A combination of both Ebola and AIDS.
Ebola makes you vomit your own blood and AIDS ruins your immune system and both are highly contagious.
So basically, you puke poisonous blood.

You WILL be under quarantine for the rest of your life.
You shouldn't need an example, it's pretty easy to understand

"Father, I think I have Ebola AIDS." *vomits blood into sink*

"Son, you are quarantine."

*Son in hospital*

by Aeon 4027 October 5, 2010
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An Ebola train is any type of run-down (ghetto) public transportation.

Ebola trains can be found in highly populated urban areas, including but not limited to The republic of Congo, Liberia, Nigeria, Dallas, Ft. worth, and New York.

It is rumored that Ebola trains can also be found in London, Madrid, Cleveland, and other urban centers.
Look at those poor bastards riding the Ebola train into Liberia.
by ToxicBeef October 25, 2014
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Paris Hilton's nickname; a reference to the Ebola virus for its PERCEIVED remarkable spreading range and ability to resist or overcome vaccination.
Hollywood Ebola kicked and screamed the whole way to jail, cried and whined in jail, but came out looking like a million bucks to a sea of shutterbugs, all the while making a mockery of the system that tried to teach her a lesson. She's learned nothing and forgotten nothing.
by ReverseHaloEffect January 23, 2008
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Ebola Cola's secret formula brings you the last cola you will ever drink. The secret laboratory formula inside Ebola Cola is what makes it Killer Cola.
"Drink Ebola Cola. Ebola Cola is killer cola. It's the last cola you will ever drink!"
by Dagrolord October 9, 2014
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Fred did not show up to work because he partied all last night. Now we have to take on that slackers work load. What an Ebola Monkey.
by slacker7f39 July 26, 2009
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