Slang for a middle eastern, usually loves Osama Bin Laden and enjoys committing suicide.
"I am not what you americans call a "dune coon", i just have dirty turban."
by Wawk R October 26, 2005
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Typically anyone of Arab or Indian decent, usually speaks in slur and mumbles muhammad, jihad and/or "dirka-dirka" at least three or more times in their sentences. Also known as terrorists and sand niggers. They are found at 7/11s to telemarkers across the globe.
"Our soldiers at war with a bunch of dune coons!"
"Holy shit! That dune coon's gonna blow us to high heaven!"
by DuneMaster April 28, 2009
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Same as Sand Nigger - A racist slur towards people of middle eastern decent. The term is used mainly in North America where it has become a popular derogatory term towards someone of Arab, North African, Afghan and Pakistani descent. It is less known in the UK where, instead, the term 'Paki' is used for people of the latter origins.
Black boy: "Hey yo Sam, you gon' be at the party tonight down by Westside of Compton?"

White boy: "Hell no! You want my ass kicked in by a bunch of Coons?"

Black boy: "There'll be Dune Coons there too?"

White boy: "Dune Coons are still Coons!?"

Black boy: "Fair enough, let me know if you change yo mind."
by PirusNiggerLeech March 14, 2009
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A synonym for a Somalian that lives in Minnesota.
I was driving down first street and the damn Dune Coon cut me off!
by B_The_Mann_84 March 11, 2017
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Person 1: hey did you see that middle eastern
Person 2: Of course I saw that dune coon
by Wall hater July 7, 2019
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A racial slur to say to an arabic or middle eastern person.
Hey look a dune coon just got on the plane.
by itsyaboi6969 November 27, 2018
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A middle eastern person. Middle Eastern countries are typically associated with being desert-like (hence the "dune"), and the people are dark like black people (hence the "coon").
Akbar is still trying to convert me to Islam. What a dune coon.
by D-baggie January 10, 2018
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