someone with or someone who seems to have a natural talent and/or enjoys using that talent.

A duck's body is naturally made to swim. It's body naturally floats so all it has to do is kick as it peacefully glides along the water.
Used in the context of "so-and-so is like a duck in water."

"The way you dance, you are like a duck in water."
by zxvbhvxz June 12, 2009
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pre-cum. the pre-ejaculatory liquid that is clear and slides out of a man's urethra and onto his shaft. it rolls off like water off a ducks back; highly viscous pre-ejaculatory seminal fluid.
Thank god for duck water or I wouldn't be able to slide my erect penis into this tight orifice.
by heresjohni February 4, 2010
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