(N.) 1. To preform qualities of the douchebag relation. Dumb, stupid, ignorant behavior.
LeQueefah Shauntae says..."No, her di*ent! That bama just tp*ed my ride, fool. Ain't that some douche*baggery, whitey?"

Hansel Ughurene replies, "Das uber gay!"
by Lisa and Sam April 19, 2006
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1. The actions of a douchebag

2. Being a compelete douchebag
Danny Broke up with his gorgeous girlfriend, he committed douche-baggery.
by Notyouravarageblondie July 31, 2009
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Ther act of being a douche bag, or the posession of qualities which are of a douche bag.
Fem: Look what Kevin Wolff did!
John: That was an act of pure and unadulterated douche baggery. Tisk tisk...
by KillerByte October 19, 2004
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The act in which someone is being a douche bag or has the characteristics or symptoms of a douche bag
That mans douche baggery has reached astronomically high levels.
by AwsomeT March 10, 2009
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acting of the qualities of a douche bag.

syn. ass-hole-ness
george bush
and all his douche baggery
by Danny boy April 4, 2004
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To live ones life as a douche bag. To engage in douchiness. Also known as the Porter-Manis philosophy of life.
Five Vegas bombs later, those two were engaged in some serious douche baggery.
by Bag-o-Douche February 5, 2010
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The various antics of a douche bag.
If your friend asks you for phone sex, then asks someone else when you go on vacation and don't get phone service, gets to 3rd base and refuses to kiss you because he is waiting until he is married, then kisses you once, tells you he wants to marry you and turns out to be trying to get with one of your best friends, lies about your kiss, begs you to forgive him- and you DO forgive his douche baggery- only to be told "we are too deeply in love to have a normal relationship".... and days later is going out (which he wouldn't do with you because "dating is meaningless") with a completely new girl... THAT is a douche bag, committing some serious douche baggery.
by wouldnt you like to know...96 January 18, 2009
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