Something so country that no one person will believe you saw it.
Bob - "I just saw a nude man riding a tractor with a mullet."
Friend - "No way, you just want attention."
Bob - "No, seriously, it was so dooster."
by Dooster Hunter May 27, 2009
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A word for used for everything. Can be coupled with"mc" or "rooster"

(pronouned dooosta)
"whatup you fagget mc dooster" "rooster mc dooster"

"wheres that dooster at? "
by i wanna be ANONYMOUS June 12, 2007
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32 ounce bottle of beer: mainly natural ice
i need to run to the store to get some doosters
by bob barklet September 5, 2006
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A man who has layed on his couch for an excessive amount of hours and has eaten a whole pizza single handedly and put down a 24 pack of beer and has come to realize that he hasn’t taken a shit in 4 days so grabs the peanut butter and goes to the bathroom for an hour
by Chef_Hammond March 2, 2019
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