Dogfucker: I.E, racist white people who like to pretend they are not zoophiles by projecting their own retardation on middle-easterners. In reality 99% of zoophile porn involves american huwhite wimen getting effed by golden retriever while their god-fearing, muslim hating husbands watch.
An example of dogfucker in IRL.

White guy: You sand-n####ers like to fuck goats
Middle-easterner: Hold on a minute, i googled white people fucking dogs and i saw your sister lisa-ann getting fucked by a bulldog.
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Dogfucker, means someone who likes to have sex with dogs. It usually refers to people from the so called "western world", also known as "free world" (because you are free to fuck animals) i.e. the countries in America, Europe and Oceania.
I hate those American dogfuckers
by Another boring user September 19, 2022
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a person that really pisses you off. also nicely said when something bad happens. it is also a good word to say when referring to someone as they would be the scum of the earth.
that motherless dogfucker he should go fuck himself!!!

aww fuck( i stubbed my toe) motherless dogfucker!!

(got knocked out in UFC) Motherless dogfucker!!!
by johnny69drama May 4, 2010
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A person with the name or is refereed too as "Aden" who fucks his dog.
God damn my friend Aden is an absolute dogfucker!
by TorchierSoul January 18, 2019
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