Being disconnected from a server while playin a variety of games
Aww man!!! I just been discoed! I'll try to reconnect in a moment...
by Rod Luke September 13, 2008
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Groovy; used by Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) after sucessfully directing Vincent Vega (John Travolta) over to her intercom.
"Warmer, warmer...Disco!"
by The Eviscerator October 31, 2003
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1.A discotheque.
2.a.Music. Popular dance music characterized by strong repetitive bass rhythms. b.A style of dancing done especially to disco music.
by The man December 22, 1999
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Discothèque is a derivative of the word Disc and the French word bibliothèque, which means library. Discothèque is essentially a record library, and the term is now generally synonymous with nightclub.

Disco started in about 1971, at first a more localized club fad of playing prerecorded repetitive songs with strong 4 beats for patrons to dance to. In the mid 70s, artists like Donna Summer and the Bee Gees brought disco to the general public. On July 12, 1979, the infamous “Disco Demolition Night” took place at Comiskey park in Chicago, Il.
"Disco Sucks."
"I got Disco fever!"
by Neatoman May 24, 2006
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A genre of black music that the rock fans hated mainly because EVERYBODY enjoyed and danced to it, and rock music was pretty much going down the toilet at that time. The era of disco ended in 1979 when an event called Disco Demolition Night, which was held at the Chicago White Sox stadium , quickly became one of the worst sports disasters of the century when disgruntled rock fans wrecked the stadium while racing to get the disco records burned and blown up.

Disco abruptly disappeared from public view and resurfaced in the 1980s in Chicago in the form of house music, which is still fairly popular today.
Remember kids, disco sucks because dancing is the work of the Devil.
by Ear for Music August 24, 2004
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like awesome only better, and can often be used in reference to something shiny
"come to my party, it will be totally disco!"
by Attack of the Norm May 16, 2007
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1. The only dance to be brutally murdered in history
2. The Jesus of music. Used to be the shit, but everyone sort of lost interest. Was killed by haters, and eventually came back from the dead.
Now I know why disco died.
Disco demolition day was like the crucifixtion of Christ of the music world
by MaximumOverdrive October 19, 2008
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