A difficult situation where a decision to commit must be made between two women one is dating simultaneously in which one woman is angelic and the other is demonic.
Person 1: Man, I can't decide which girl to commit to, one is super nice but the other is a freak!
Person 2: Yeah man, sounds like you got yourself a real Arssi's Dilemma.
by DestTheBest April 23, 2018
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The situation where any given smoker is driving while smoking, during a down pour of rain. The smoker is faced with the choice of either getting rained on or rolling up the window and suffocating themselves.
Ole Sharon was needing her nicotine dose when she was incoherently faced with the "Smoker's Dilemma". She rolled her window up to avoid ruining her mullet perm and later suffocated in the car.
by Clintawesome August 24, 2010
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The business issues related to not demanding payment up front and by allowing a customer to set a price after services are rendered.

A classic red flag in the services industry.

In sex work this tends to be more of an issue for semi-pros and "friendly gals" looking to pick up some extra cash than it is for genuine mercenary hookers.

The phrase is commonly applied to any service business where there is no product that can be returned (house cleaning, tree surgery, psychotherapy, hot dog vending, midwifery, meth dealing, lap dancing, wedding singing, etc)

From a customer perspective the value of a service is worth less after it has been delivered.

Being asked to do something on the basis that you will be paid according to the customer's view of the value afterwards.

A man in a titty bar will pay $300 for a ten minute hands-off pants-up lap dance after three vodka-redbulls and an hour or two of watching T&A.
If the same dancer meets him after work instead and screws him at a motel and asks for a tip afterwards he'll notice that she has a caesarean scar and that her boobs are a little lopsided and she wouldn't let him touch her hair and her teeth are kinda yellow and besides... she liked it too. and offer her $50 bux.

(conversely, getting a customer to set a price before service and pre-pay or contract to pay that price can often benefit the service provider. People tend to inflate the value of services they hope to acquire)

"When I do emergency tech work I let the customer pay what they think the service was worth after I fix the problem, but I avoid the whore's dilemma by making it clear that their level of monetary appreciation will determine the priority I give them when responding to future emergencies."
by Phineas T January 19, 2009
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When you are unable to engage in playful flirting due to the inability to disengage from doing bits
The Yanta Dilemma Scenario

Person 1: Hey, come here often? ;)
Person 2: come here often? I practically live here.
Person 1: Oooo so you could show me where the bed is? ;)
Person 2: *proceeds to lay underneath the pool table*
by afriendof.floko March 26, 2022
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The best way to deal with a troll is to not feed it. That's why the trolls' dilemma exists.

It is basically an insistence on the person being addressed (or group addressed) to respond or be considered defeated.

The urge to not have a default to defeat is strong for many, and so the trolls' dilemma may easily get a response.

This is the dilemma, though. To respond, the troll wins, but to not respond, the troll scores an arbitrary and often false 'victory'.

It is often used as a last resort once the troll has been exposed, or as a strong opening bait to hook the victims early.
"You all know deep in your hearts that there are secret alien organizations in our governments working against us all. You won't answer me, though, because you know it's true. You're afraid."

-- This is merely one way of using The Trolls' Dilemma.
by Groppal February 23, 2009
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A lonely heart experiencing hedgehog's dilemma craves loving relationship but:
Doubts that love as she defines it is possible
Has built up a wall around her heart as a defense from past hurts
Is in love and is afraid, very afraid
Is necessarily cautious
Is one suffering from hedgehog's dilemma more compatible with a porcupine, who is also guarded, or a puppy that is open to and unafraid of love?
by LetsPlayKeepAway December 11, 2019
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bish-uhp's di-lem-uh

n. a type of piercing of the penis that penetrates the Urethra, rusulting in multiple streams
Check out that guy's bishop's dilemma! Oh shit! He got himself in the eye.
by Chris H. & Pip R. March 18, 2007
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