A contest between 2 or more rivals to see who can get the most words published on urban dictionary.
OMG! Jason has 6 urban words published now. Harry only has 4, but from the way he works the urban dictionary battle I bet he has an ace up his sleeve : )
by Omegastrike September 5, 2010
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Typically a type of ambush attack where one or more people who critique a word someone uses which results to people using literal, strict and obtuse interpretations of dictionary definitions to prove they're right. These people will selectively choose definitions to argue with and disregard definitions--even from the dictionary they're using--to contradict their interpretation of what a word means.
When Harry said he loved the movie The Matrix, Jonas started a dictionary battle when he interjected that Harry didn't actually "love" the movie because he wasn't romantically attracted to it and that he should "like" the movie instead.
by seriously00 March 19, 2019
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