deviantArt is a website where users submit art, photography, poetry, and prose.
Being able to search virtually anything and getting a result
Submitting art
There are many, many tutorials if you are having trouble drawing ANYTHING
Getting comments
Administrators are easily approachable
Getting criticism so you can improve
Getting watches
The satisfaction of improving like crazy and getting inspired by art every few days
Getting favorites
Buying a subscription; it's almost worth it
Hanging out with your friends
You can sometimes get a laugh from a picture you see
Looking at other pictures you like
Buying prints
Favoriting and commenting on other pictures you like
Getting pageviews
Not getting comments, watches, or favorites
Bad pictures
People flaming you for giving some helpful criticism
People posting emo sh.. in their journal
Art thieves
Art/Writer's block (that's not dA's fault though)
Because of the deviation overflow, new deviations submitted appear on the front page for only a few seconds; it only catches a deviant's eye if it's particularly cute or particularly good
It is really, really hard to get publicity

I have an account on deviantart, and it's practically my life. The good things outweigh the bad, especially if you take criticisms and appreciate and look at art all the time.. If you don't, your art will probably never get any better.
Deviantart really gives me a sense of self-satisfaction. x3
Friend: I've improved on anatomy and pretty much everything since i've joined deviantart <3333 I love it. It's my antidrug.
by Cookiers October 15, 2007
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A place where some naked chick qualifies as art.
Have you been to Deviantart?

No. At least half the stuff there shouldn't qualify as art.
by FlareKitsune February 1, 2010
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A site dedicated to art. Most of the people who use it just want to feel special because they drew a picture, but there are a select few users who are actually good at "art".
D00D. 1/\/\ T3H 3l337 h4x0r 4r7ist. CH3k 0UT /\/\Y l337 D3VI4NT4RT!!!!!!!!!1 1 H4V3 A P1Ct4RE OF A TR33 ON TH4R!

Non lamer:
Perhaps I'll use Deviantart to showcase my last drawing, which I think is one of my best
by RickR August 24, 2004
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An online "art" community, although there may be a handful of people on it with real talent, it is mostly a showcase for people's sad anime drawings, bad B&W photos, and other nonart. Populated mostly by people who think that taking a drawing class in highschool makes them an artist, and that their trite images are anything more than glorified napoleon dynamite doodles.
Good news. Absolutely every shitty sketch and dumb wallpaper anyone has ever made is now considered art.

Most of the people wouldn't know real art if it smacked them upside the face
by Alex B. July 5, 2005
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This is an art based website/forum/blog. It does have many talented people who deserve to be there, for art's sake, to share their art with the world and to recieve and give feedback. But then...

..There are the few who submit meaningless pictures of themselves...and or ones with nothing but blood and razors and shots of people slitting their wrists.

There is also a Wapanese cult that is being mass produced here. The ones who are into anime, and think that they were born and bred in Japan..and were sent here to America to teach the young ones how you should really be. You should listen to Japanese Rock and sing along, to songs you can't translate or understand. To songs that could be really saying, I like bunnies and rainbows and pretty sunsets.

Also here, you may find the JRockers, somewhat mentioned above. These few enjoy listening to hardcore screaming Japanese men, who look like teenage girls, and like to paint there faces white and draw designs and Japanese symbols with liquid eyeliner. But then after sampling the sounds of this music you could ask one of these persons, "Do you like Slip Knot, or Marilyn Manson, they sound just the same.." and this Jrocker would respond, "Are you insane, omg I hate them they totally are teh suck"

This cult usually submits "art" that is nothing more than drawings, or fanart of the totally fav anime characters. They may also submit pictures of themselves all dressed up as their favorite Jrocker and/or anime character, also known as Cosplaying. If not this, then pictures from the web of various members of Japanese rock bands that are "photoshopped" up.
Deviantart Person 1: ^^ omg yay.
Deviantart Person 2: What?!??!
Deviantart Person 1: I heart Jrock good.
Deviantart Person 2: What does that have to do with art? You are so part of that cult...
by feedback i care not for July 13, 2005
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The best, and largest art community on the internet. Visited from great artists from all over the world who submit their art for all to see and comment on.
"deviantART owns!"

"I uploaded my paintings to deviantART."
by IceWarm July 15, 2004
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Site where you can submit artwork to share with the world, to look at, comment on, and critique your technique. Often everything is flooded by poor amateur attempts. The conditions under which you submit your work are somewhat sketchy (pardon the pun) particularly in sections 2-4.
deviantart seems like a good idea, but read before you submit and think if you really need this.
by alexandrovna September 16, 2005
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