Idk what it means I forgot lol
Dementia (dɪˈmɛnʃə)
by Archi-medes March 13, 2020
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It's basically-Wait what was it again?
No guys what was Dementia- Am serious.
by TheGuyThatForgets March 21, 2021
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The deterioration of ones memories leading to the loss of self and the world around them, surrounded by things that should be familiar but are unknown, living in a purgatory that lacks bliss or respite.
The Dementia patient has been drawing a self-portrait every year, and every year it loses its resemblance to its owner.
by Plain_Delta March 28, 2021
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Person 1: " I have dementia."
Person 2: "Wow that sucks! How did you find out?"
Person 1: "I just got told by my doctor, dumbass."
Person 2: "Oh yeah, anything else you want to tell me?"
Person 1: "Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you I had dementia."
by OctopusProbably March 23, 2022
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A condition where the one affected cannot remember, think, or make decisions properly. This condition is not a disease per se but rather a general term for several diseases and disorders, for example: Alzheimer's. The symptoms often get worse and worse over time until the affected person dies.

Dementia tends to affect older people, with most cases affecting those 65 years and older. However, this is not a normal part of aging. According to the CDC, by 2014 only about 5 million adults over the age of 65 had dementia.

Having dementia is a lot worse than just forgetting your car keys every now and then. It's more like forgetting 90% of your childhood with no hope of bringing it back. It's like getting lost in the place you grew up in and have always been in.

If you're having any questions please refer yourself to a doctor.
Alice: Have you listened to "Everywhere at the End of Time?" It was trippy while it lasted.

Bob: I gave it a listen after my grandmother suffering 6 years of dementia died. I was torn for weeks. And if I wind up with dementia just like her and that experience is the one thing left that remains in my mind after I forget absolutely everything else, I'll be pissed off, if I could even remember what feeling pissed off feels like in the future.

by slaptheBASS June 13, 2021
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When your brain is shot and you can't think straight. In this condition, your words are garbled, your eyes are vacant, and you might be drooling. Its not good.
Wassup with the President?
Whachoo mean?
Look at Biden.
OMG, he gets DEMENTIA!!
by FE517,KOS March 8, 2021
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