To fall from grace, to degrade, to become corrupt, to lose good or admirable qualities.

Describing someone or something who has lost their good qualities and has become undesirable or even abnormal.
The mad cow disease caused many unfortunate cows to degenerate, forcing many to avoid eating beef.

Your boyfriend ran off with another woman and took your best jewelry?! Why, that degenerate-!
by Lorelili August 14, 2011
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A person who is socially inept and unable to find purpose in life. Every single person who plays the worst game in the world; league of legends.
That guy just plays league all day, what a degenerate!
by Pastor Matthew November 27, 2021
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Someone who is proficiently capable of making you think that something is a good investment on wallstreetbets.
Some guy on reddit said to hold GME, what a degenerate.
by opposablehands February 4, 2021
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none of the definitions so far were correct.
A degenerate is a person who has declined, as in morals or character, from a type or standard considered normal.
a degenerate is usually a person who is frowned upon by society for being an individual. Like me. Is it so wrong to be different?
by cldrules December 26, 2008
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a sub-human smackoff that either loses, breaks, destroys, or completely ruins everything they come in contact with.
That degenerate forgot to stir the sauce and ruined everything.
by Marc Micheline March 1, 2005
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You Are A Weeb, Or Rather, We Are Weebs.
person a: have you seen that anime?
person b: shut the fuck up you degenerate weeb.
person a: ok dad..
by October 25, 2020
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The opposite of something that "generates". In a social context, it means an activity or individual that erodes society, that helps in destroying it. Sexual promiscuity, drugs, crime, dangerous activities, and pretty much anything that goes against the nuclear family.
Ay Tyrone, put that pipe down and stop being a degenerate will ya?
by yuberries January 17, 2017
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