French verb. To do a Darisse is when you want to a simple task, succed at it, but do A LOT of collateral damage.
Guy 1: I wanted to open the fridge but ended up breaking two Ming vases.

Guy 2: You surely did a darisse.
by thehaunted May 8, 2011
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Dariss is a beautiful and fabulous person. If you ever meet one treat her with respect and give her Nutella
by Kawaii Nutella March 15, 2016
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Majestically divine, a genuine and the epitome of womanhood beautified. Literally the best of creation.
Friend 1: ‘I’m thinking of proposing to my girl but I don’t know if I should?’
Friend 2: ‘don’t be stupid, she’s literally a darisse, why the fuck would you not propose ?’
by Charles_Fc July 23, 2022
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