Leonotis leonurus, AKA Lion's Tail, Wild Dagga, is an African herb used for years as a mild drug. The effects of Wild Dagga, when smoked, are often compared to the effects of mids, or medium quality weed. Most users report mild sedation, slight euphoria, relaxation, focus, and rarely, creativity boosts. Though any part of the plant could be used, the most effective part is the flower of the plant. Methods of ingestion include smoking, making a tea, making a paste out of the plant, and cooking it into dishes. Unlike weed, very few people report paranoia during, or after, smoking Wild Dagga. Also unlike weed, Wild Dagga is completely legal to purchase or ship to any of the 50 United States, and will most likely stay that way, seeing as it is a fairly useful tea ingredient, and a rather attractive flower for gardens. The only negative effects are : RARELY occuring nausea, and some may consider slight drowsiness negative.
Ex. 1 : Hey man, I see you have some Leonotis leonurus in your garden!

Ex. 2 : You mean Wild Dagga?

Ex. 3 : Yeah, my friends call it Lion's Tail.
by DiphenTripper July 3, 2011
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An expression used to describe how you feel when you want to watch cam girls and simultaneously play CS:GO Competitive matches.
Created by the one and only "killa"
-randomly speaks-
"Shagga dagga woffee toffee hoffee coffee moffee toffee!" or sometimes "COFF - AYEEEEE!"
by AK47 gonna blast on em December 16, 2018
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A "swagga dagga" (or "swagger dagger" for those with no swagga) is a shot in basketball that completely eliminates the positives or momentum of a previous play or string of plays by the opposing team.
With the Kings rallying and the Lakers clinging to a two point lead, Kobe hits a swagga dagga over Kevin Martin to seal the deal.
by Swaggadelphia October 23, 2009
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The lesser version of a normal dagga. Must be done to slow music
"I gave this girl the mini-dagga to some Alicia Keys at the club last night"
by J@¥®@∂ May 5, 2010
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name for a cat that eats weed for breakfast
that fuckin dagga breath must stop eating all my weed
by shanorawr March 16, 2009
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