A popular phrase which started in Mobile, AL on St. Patrick's day 2006. Many people (mostly African-Americans) came looking for a Leprechaun supposedly seen in a tree in downtown Mobile. Rumor had it that gold was underneath the tree, which belonged to the leprechaun. Some websites have spoofed this and made it into a rap song.
"I wanna know where da gold! I want da gold! Gimme da gold!"
by French mickey Mouse June 14, 2006
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A phrase used by one to indicate that he/she wants a share of something that has been obtained by another.

It was first featured in the "Leprechaun in Alabama" video on Youtube.
Child 1: I went trick or treating last night for Halloween and I received soooo much candy! What did you do?
Child 2: I'm not allowed to trick or treat.. so I stayed in and watched a movie.
Child 1: Oh..
Child 2: So yeah, gimme da gold.

Teenager 1: I got some beer from my brother. Let's party!
Teenager 2: GIMME DA GOLD!
by RaptorRAWR January 24, 2011
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a phrase taken from the popular video of the black people seeing a leprechaun in alabama, originally said in the context "i just wanna know where da gold at"

when used in conversation, "gold" can mean anything that one wants to be kept secret from others, but is most often code for weed or booze
it also sounds completely ghetto
Jon: "Hey man where da gold at?"
Aaron: "At my house man, don't worry"
by psycolope October 20, 2010
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