Damn.. he pulled those hoes by explaining the Star Wars lore. Man's a crink.
by crinkinthesehoes September 7, 2022
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when ure neck is unbearably hurting and u must pop it to perform any type of function
I cant even ownzt because im so damn crinked!
by zBizzle February 2, 2006
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to consume alcoholic beverages at one's place of employment while working.
"Why is Dave so chill?"
"Oh, he's been crinking."
by jacen kemp December 14, 2007
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The upper terminus of the crack where the two halves of the buttocks meet forming a reservoir for diluted fecal matter. The opposite of the taint.
My crink reeked of week-old poop, since I hadn't showered in 5 days.

Since my bowels were not going to move anytime soon, I scraped out my crink with my finger for the stool sample.
by frkflg January 12, 2010
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To be crying and drunk at the same time.
"I don't know why I was so crink last night, pretty sure it was the wine I drank and because my girlfriend just dumped me."

"I hate my life, lets get crink."
by Camille_cash March 13, 2010
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1. to only come out of your house for a small amount of time, only to retreat quickly
2. to sneak around,much like a small creepy troll.
1. I know its Friday night, but I'm really tired,so I'm just trying to crink it tonight.
2. That guy was so creepy! He was crinking around all night.
by kfair January 21, 2011
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An old fart. Originating from old people's arms looking like fried chicken or 'crinkle fries.'
Could they drive any slower? Damn crinks!
by SitrYs September 16, 2013
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