A sound that is not quite a clunk, yet not quite a thud.
Richard his jumped into a doorframe, hitting his head, and a loud clud sound resulted
by Solo Phoenix March 10, 2006
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clud otherwise known as cloud,
so basically short for cloud.
lonely as a clud (clouds are sometimes lonely)
thick as a clud (clouds look thick and heavy)
light as a clud (clouds are actually light and feathery)
by laaaaaaa August 31, 2008
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A failed sentence after waking up from passing out stoned and/or drunk.
Lawl, I totally failed and have no clud
by LaurenLaLovely July 3, 2010
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A massive, hideous, terrible, shapeless male genitalia. Typically unwashed, and riddled with disease. If a man had a clud it will usually reek.
Damn it I can’t go camping this weekend! Gotta go get my clud husked again. The crust is built up pretty thick.
by SuperUglyPerson May 11, 2023
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the mixture of blood and cum that occurs when you fuck a virgin.
she cludded all over my bed
by Snedz January 9, 2006
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like clouds... only clumsy; clouds lacking substantial shape or "cloudiness"; semi-clouds
"The wispy cluds robbed the sky from its perfect cloudless condition today."
by Cosmokramuh February 22, 2010
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To hit someone or something hard on the head, resulting in a concussion. Similar to "to club."
"If you keep messin' around wit dat ho, I'ma clud yo ass so hard you'll wish you'd married a man instead!"
by LaPrincess June 9, 2005
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