1. A filler word used when you're either too lazy or don't care enough to respond to someone with a sentence.

2. A replacement word for "hello" or "hows it going."

3. When used inquisitively (e.g. with a question mark after it) is a replacement for something baffling.
4. A replacement for the word fuck
1. Person 1: Did you clean your room?
Person 2: Cluck!
Person 1: Why didn't you?
Person 2: Cluck you!
Person 1: Do you even get what I'm saying?
Person 2: Cluck?
by Timothy July 9, 2004
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The act of selling anything and or everything one owns to support their meth addiction.
That Tweeker is clucking her baby's formula for a nickel of shit.That Ho just tried to cluck her baby's formula for a nickel of shit,I asked her for a blow-job instead.
by Andy "DopeFeeen" P. February 27, 2004
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the sound you make when a chickenhead is present
When Julie came out after sucking 5 consecutive dicks in the shag room, Sam instantly started making pecking motions and yelling, "Cluck cluck! Cluck cluck!"
by Nick D February 21, 2003
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A shortened version of the response to "Quack quack seat back", usually when small children are around. Full phrase is "Cluck cluck, i dont give a fuck"
Person 1: I gotta go to the bathroom, quack quack seat back

Person 2: *takes seat* CLUCK CLUCK
by kllax22 January 11, 2011
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To be in a state of Drug (Heroin) Withdrawal. From the phrase cold turkey.
She was a mess, she was clucking real bad.
by Tallus July 26, 2004
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A crank fiend who can't support there habit and is constantly trying to get dope off aquantances.

Clucken, adj. The act of begging for dope.
That tweeker is a cluck, give her a line and she'll blow you.

Girl you are clucken, get a job I we already did an eight ball.
by Michael H. August 8, 2003
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Dude, I'm not hitting a bowl with white powder on it. I ain't a fuckin' cluck!
by Tim March 13, 2003
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