An exclusive club for worthy individuals who find tremendous pride and excitement in doing bad things. Members consistently seek to do the worst shit possible including, but not limited to: blacking out, smashing shit, talking dirty, having sex with #dirtygirls, #dirtygirlthings, doing bad shit, degrading women and feable individuals, etc. Women are also allowed into the club if they do bad things. Bad kids cannot be stopped from their practice and rarely get caught. The official slogan of this group is "It's fun to do baaaaad shit"
Hey MPN, let's go do bad shit, it's funny because of the way it is. Just doing bad shit with my Bad Kids Club
by eldiabloblanco17 July 8, 2011
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Girl: “I didn’t tell anyone can I join the cool kids club?”
Leader:”not just yet”
by Cool kids club leader February 26, 2019
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A club of kids in school who think bullying is cool
Your too nerdy to be in the cool kids club
by 1234567djpooman September 14, 2021
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An expression used for teenagers and kids who are not fat, but eat as though they should be 500 pounds.
Annabel: Wow Zoe, did we seriously just eat cookies, chocolate milk, and half a thing of Lucky Charms all at once?... FAT KIDS CLUB UNITE!

Zoe: Yeah buddy! Woo!
by EvilPlanNumberThree May 15, 2010
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A parody of what corporate marketing execs believe a "diverse" society would be like.

Created by fast food giant Burger King, this group of friends contains every single race/gender/orientation imaginable.

You got the black kid, the mexican kid, the autistic 4chan user, the basic white bitch, the dyke, the cripple, the nerdy jew and a fucking dog to top it all off.

No group of friends on earth look like this. It only exists in the wet dreams of college professors and fast food peddlers.

Every movie and entertainment product created after the year 2010 must contain this exact ratio of characters.
The global elite will not stop until every high school looks like a Burger King Kid's Club.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe contains a Burger King Kid's Club of characters.
by pokebot July 8, 2022
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If I told you, you'd be banned from the club.

(It's for cool kids only. Super secret. Only one in every ten million are in.)
"Yo dude are you in the Super Secret Cool Kid's Club? I want in"
"Dude, if I told you then you'd be out. Sorry"
by carbonatedelectric July 12, 2020
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