I invented this drinking maneuver several months ago. Measure six shots of hard liquor and place them all in a larger glass. Down all of the booze (straight) at once without stopping. This is sure to amaze and disgust everyone you are with and it will show you are committed to drinking. Named for the actor of several Wild West movies and the type of gun he used.
I was so wasted last night after I did 3 Clint Eastwoods in 3 hours.
by Sean_R July 19, 2006
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Cockney rhyming slang for squint. When an individuals eyes do not point in the same direction.
By calling a person or referring to a person with a squint as 'Clint Eastwood', 'Clint' or 'Eastwood', you are subtly insulting this person and calling them a baw-eyed squinting fuck face. They will most likely not pick up on this and take it you are complimenting them by somehow likening them to the great man himself.
by Tarbert Whore April 17, 2010
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a term used against and about, usually older men, who feels and act as if they were a vigilante/lone ranger- like Clint Eastwood.

The term is used against the weak, older man who tries to act tough when he tells you to pick up that candywrapper and put it in the can,stand up straight or stop riding your bicycle on the sidewalk.
goddamn did you see that clint eastwood overthere?

stop fuckin going all clint eastwood on us

that old clint eastwood son of a bitch just told us to stop hanging around the entrance
by Rumleskaft June 20, 2010
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a term used to tell someone they have dropped something they are eating onto their shirt. This originated in 2007 when Gabriel Grimm dropped a morsel of teriyaki upon his shirt which depicted the face of clint eastwood. whereupon Lida exclaimed "geez Gabes what are you doing? Feeding clint eastwood?"
Dude1: *slurps ramen*
Dude2: "dude you feeding clint eastwood again"
Dude1: "thanks man that's a prime piece of noodlage *picks noodle off his shirt and eats it*
by GabrielGrimm December 6, 2009
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'No matter how much you dislike something, until someone comes along with some changes that make sense you will stick with it'
- 'The current publishing system in science is bad.'
- 'I agree, but as you propose no better alternative I will respect the Clint Eastwood law and stick with it'
by GibonBP October 2, 2018
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