To drink alcohol in excess to the point of vomiting.

-To have been Chunderstruck.

Is also sometimes accompanied by air guitar and Angus Young impressions from all in the vicinity during said act, emphasising the AC/DC reference.
Dave: Oh man, did you see Michelle last night? She was chunderstruck after that triple Jager.
by Spactacular December 20, 2010
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When you get so pissed (of your face) you cant remember a thing the next day, you have been chunderstruck.
Wow dude, Kym is so going to be chunderstruck tomorrow.
by hamghetti... September 22, 2006
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When you get so pissed (of your face) you cant remember a thing the next day, you have been chunderstruck.
Wow dude, Kym is so going to be chunderstruck tomorrow.
by hamghetti... September 23, 2006
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When you get so pissed you cant remember a thing the next day, you have been chunderstruck.
Wow dude, Kym is so going to be chunderstruck tomorrow.
by hamghetti... September 20, 2006
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When you get so pissed you cant remember a thing the next day, you have been chunderstruck.
Wow dude, Kym is so going to be chunderstruck tomorrow.
by hamghetti... September 21, 2006
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