To disrespectfully slap someone in the face with an open hand. The implication is that the person being slapped is not manly enough to be worthy of a real punch. Very similar to "Bitch Slap," but because of the recent Chris Brown and Rihanna debacle, 'bitch' has been replaced with 'Chris.' Term is used figuratively to mean putting someone in their place (or diss) in no uncertain terms.
If Jason dosen't have my money, today, he's going get Chris slapped!
by Reducto February 11, 2009
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Will Smith slapped Chris Rock because he joked about his wife. Chris Rock then says “Will Smith just smacked the shit out of me.” Then Will Smith screams and says “Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth!” Chris Rock says: “Wow”
Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock sure was one hell of a battle.
by nike kicks March 29, 2022
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