the word chav come from the abrevation

C.H.A.V = Council House Associated Virmin
oh my what a chav over there outside mc donalds drinking white lightening.

chav quotes "mayte" "giz a tab" "you got 30p fo phorne mayte"
by sam January 29, 2005
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peaked baseball cap possibly fake burberry
as much jewellery as is able to carry on his skinny under nourished body due to parents sponging off the government spending food money on 80 sovereign a day.
jewellery from the mr t reject collection
consistently stoned or angry or both
white shoes preferably prism white with metallic nike tick on the side
tracksuit bottoms tucked into white socks
nike addidas lonsdale tshirts for example, mainly fake
always looking for a fight
little or no education
no jobs
own a stolen nova or corsa with neons a spoiler and a dump valve(like to write turbo on the back although there isnt one)
live off benefits ther entire live
and steal hubcaps and start on anyone in a smaller group than them
the vast majority of people living in gosport (chavs)
by jamesismynameandihatechavs September 30, 2005
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okay, bex and gem, shut up you stupid bitches. A chavs vocabulary consits of: Fuck, innit, m8, rocky-ps (rockports) berty crew (fuck only knows) and sk8ter scum (fuck you's too...) They wear GAY GAY GAY clothes have cheap jewellery, have clothes that are so fuckin' expensive they make up for the naf jewellery and wear enough make-up to make a full-size model of Russia.
Giv' us sum fags' like, you stupid sk8ers, or we'll fuckin do you in like. It's gay innit bein' a goth, you're all gay if you don't wear fuckin ocky-ps like. Right?
by the superior mulletman February 3, 2004
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Chavs are, in simple terms so that any of them reading this can understand, the scum of the earth. They contaminate all that is good in the world with their slang talk, fag ends and 'crews'. Now is the time for skaters, moshers, goths, punks, everybody who despises these bastards, to unite. We must wipe the earth of these sons-of-bitches. I say legalise Chav Hunting now!! So, take up your weapons and get out there!!
<Chav scum1> hey look, people who are'nt like us - lets get 'em ma homies!!
<Chav hunting gang leader> CHARGE!!!!!
<Chav scum2> Oh fuck, they're gonna get us!!
<Chav hunting gang leader> KILL THE BASTARDS!!!!
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a chav is a group of people that hang around in towns,wearing sport werar like nike or something, and when they see emo's or goths they shout abuse at them and ofthen beat them up for just being what they are.
chav1:hey look guys deres one of dem slit-your-wrists emos!!

chav2:oh my daze!! lets go and kick da shit out of it!!

chav3:yeah cum on den!! all chavs run up and beat up the emo!!! poor emo!!:(
by scenekids_forever! November 4, 2006
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Chav are scum they have this idea that they are the most important people around and that anyone who is not a chav is like dirt WRONG! they are the dirt.

They stand around in groups of at least a minimum of 5 people incase they get into a fight,theyre wimps really it takes 5 chavs to take on a normal person or they get too scared and run off.

They hang around on street corners trying to look "gangsta",thats 1 of theyre words from theyre limited vocabulary.some of their words from their language include,gangsta,bruv,in da house,wat you looking at,ya starting,got any fags mate,i got totally pissed last night,and number 1 on the top 10 chav remarks INNIT but still the list go's on.There is no point trying to communicate with a chav you will get more of a understandable response from a dog even a wall,and any reply you do get back you wont understand.Anyt response you think you do understand believe me you dont.They think that burberry and hoodies make you look cool but really they just look like twats

They like the idea of have a criminal record because they think it makes them "ard".They are constantly getting given ASBO's (anti social behaviour order).Some of the even stupider ones try to look cool by shaving half their eyebrow off.One big question WHY!.The boy chavs are usually obsessed with football(soccer for you americans) and bmx bikes

The chav way of having fun is by looking "ard" on street corners listening to music on their mobiles where you can even understand what they are saying.staying out all night then dont go to school the next day because of hang overs.
They ignore the fact that you are standing there.For instance say there is a 10 ft gap either side of you a chav will walk straight into you as if your not there then not only that but you get a remark like (watch where your going or ya starting).Chavs have no manners such as your walking along and they walk into you or hit you and if you think your going to hear sorry or excuse me you wont.If anything they will try to start a fight with you.If you walk within 10 ft of a chav you will get abuse thrown at you.

I could keep going all day but i have stuff do unlike a chav.
In a summary
1.stay away from chavs
2.dont try to communicate with a chav it wont work
3.if you are a chav youre a very sad person will find chavs in their natural habitat around street corners or outside off licencis asking for alchohol
5.learn to spot the sign asnd you can see the twats 100 yards off
6most people have better things to do in life rather than be a chav will find them stacking shelves in your local shopping center
8.they havbe no future plans apart from what you doing the saturday night
9.Chavs are scum
10.and the scariest of all in a couple of years these people will be bringing up the future generation and running the country
There is no example you just have to experience chavs yourselve
by Sam T October 6, 2006
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A Parasite of the state is totally uneducated (except for theft, knifing and general violence), is commonly found (with offspring) in the areas of McDonald’s, Argos, ASDA, Aldi and Lidl, or any other cheap (sportswear) retail outlet; and of course young children’s play areas. Easily identified by bad fashion of tracksuit (or any other cheap item of clothing), Burberry items, baseball cap and Bling; of course the constant bad language.

Only purpose in life is to breed from the earliest age so enhancing benefit claims for child allowance and housing; thus providing the "income" to purchase (on HP) Bling Argos (Elizabeth Duke) and Plasma TV with SKY subscription (HD of course).

These are the true children of New Labour, thank you Tony Blair and Gordon Brown; I suppose compulsory voting is a guaranteed winner now; if only Chavs could put a cross in the right box!!
Chavs are found in every town or village with “social housing”, the male is often seen walking a little in front of his bitch and offspring (all clothed as described above, although young Chavs tend to be grubby and unwashed), the female (bitch) is following with offspring (one in pram, the other some way behind) and her ugly mother, all with lit cigarettes and at least one with a can of cider or cheap lager.
by MATT BLACK painter July 15, 2006
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