a penis that is wider than it is long
Tim: man that guys got a tuna can for a dick
Jimmy: oh, you mean a chalone?
Tim: yeah
by Anonymous May 28, 2003
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The best girlfriend anyone could ever have.
A beautiful lady friend
May be bitchy at times
Dude, how's the new girlfriend?
Eh she's alright, but she's no Chalon
by Michael070690 February 4, 2010
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another name for a very large wide vagina; often has a putrid stench that causes living organisms to pass out
"Wow I thought the grand canyon was in Arizon! That Chalon is huge!"
by Bren23423243 August 1, 2008
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A full on Chalon, commonly thought to be just a mustache, is in fact a package of facial hair which includes the mustache AS WELL as the beard and neck beard. In order for it to be a true full on Chalon it can not be very long but must be visible from approximately 10 meters.
Dude I hate mustaches. Why do you have one?

No, asshole, you're mistaken. I've got my full on Chalon
by rugrat January 30, 2008
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A genius with A.D.D. Someone who says or does the smartest thing you have ever heard or seen, directly followed with the dumbest thing you have ever seen or heard.
I thought he was the next Albert Einstein when he went 13-0 in fantasy, until he played Mariota over Newton, he's just another Chalon Flannigan.
by Flandingo December 21, 2016
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