The best thing ever. Like a chai tea, except it has that foamed latte stuff on top.
by Dispute Of The Lemon Tea August 18, 2007
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A pretentious cup of tea from an upscale coffee shop with wooden floors in Bangalore
Nixy doesn't drink chai tea lattes because they give him the shits.
by Numpi July 27, 2019
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A term used by people who don't know what things are called. Typically used in reference to a chai latte. Pretty Yummy
babegirl: Let's go get a chai tea latte?

Dudeman: What the fuck?

babegirl: Tea with milk...

Dudeman: Ah, a chai latte.

babegirl: Yep.

Dudeman: Sure.

///Goes to starbucks\\\

babegirl: One grande chai tea latte please.

Baristahomee: What the hell? Nope, no can do.

Dudeman: One grande chai latte, make it snappy.

Baristahomee: Sure thing bro, it'll be ready in a sec

babegirl: FUCK.

Dudeman+Baristahomee: Ha. Foo. Respect the english language
by Supertroll999 January 24, 2012
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