Short for 'catastrophically fucked' usually as a result of profound alcohol consumption
"How was last night?"

"I can't remember, I was catastrafucked"
by Well Spoken Moron December 31, 2016
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A complete disaster.

"When a hell hole hits a cataclysm: a catastrafuck."
-Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, October 3, 2006
What we have in Iraq right now is a real catastrafuck!
by waagnat October 5, 2006
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When a person or situation is royally, completely, and utterly fucked
Todd - “bro the party last night turned into a complete catastrafuck”
by Bigdickirish October 27, 2022
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a total disaster, coined by John Stewart on December 2nd (not 3rd!!) - when a hell hole meets a cataclysm
what a complete catastrafuck!!
by diamondgirl4593 December 3, 2006
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What happens when a cataclysm natural disaster hits a hellhole.

As used by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show 10/03/2006
Did you hear about that earthquake in the Sudan? What a catastrafuck!

by Nuggets McGee October 11, 2006
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