the art of stuffing ones testicles into the vaginal opening while maintaining complete anal penetration. References the extremely difficult act of trying to bathe a cat in a sink." (AKA Balls in a box)
"Bro, last night I totally stuffed my nuts into this girls snot-wallet while boning her in the chocolate starfish. It was harder than keeping a cat in a sink."
by Adam Basich April 27, 2008
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When you dog in the bath tub her, and your dick is still in her vagina.
I just had the best sex, i tried the cat in the sink.
by X2agents October 14, 2017
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While having anal intercourse the act of which one or both testicles end up in your partners vagina.
Got a little to rough last night... we finally played UPS and I delivered a package to the back door. Didn't know it would end with a cat in the kitchen sink.
by freakshowdaddy May 16, 2021
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