The evil laugh when in the process of eating... a modification of pwahaha
Bwahaha! I waff at jor abiwity to eef vike a pig vike me.
by Mun-G February 18, 2004
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Evil laughter after you have told your arch-nemesis your evil scheme to take over the world. As seen in many cartoons, movies and videogames.
Lexx Luther to Superman "Now that I have you trapped by my kryptonie field.. I will tell you. I plan on using gigantic moths.. Yes! Gigantic moths to take over the world! Bwahaha!" Superman then somehow manages to get free and beat the crap out of Lexx Luther and foil his mothy plans.
by Firey February 16, 2004
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Online derisive laughter, at your expense.
You actually purchased a penis patch? bwhahah!! roflmao
by Cosmicstargoat February 14, 2004
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An 'evil genius' laugh.
Like the scientists do in old movies when they discover a new poison or some way to transform somebody into a werewolf or something.
by Ellie February 16, 2004
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imitation of maniacal laughter used in the boo-yah tradition
Bwahaha,you got jacked for your pork rinds and your crack pipe in the same day,ever wonder if you may just be the bottom of the crackhead food chain?
by the tweaker February 16, 2004
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Curious sound emanating from the mouth signifying hilarity and good humor. Primarily used in web chatrooms with experienced surfers or technically proficient 14 year olds.
In the Chatroom:

George> Heh I smoked a phat one tonite I was off my melon. My wig started spinning out of control...

Dave> Bwahahaha
by Auralgiant February 17, 2004
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