A Compact Fluorescent Light bulb that uses less energy than a conventional light bulb. Typically the size of a regular bulb, but instead of a glass globe, is a twisted tube.

Promoted by Al Gore and global warming "activists" as a way to say energy costs and reduce "carbon footprints."
I replaced the light bulbs in my house with Gore Bulbs. I paid a lot, but I'll save on my electric bill
by TomL2133 July 31, 2008
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When you light up like a Christmas tree when something that a 1D fan has done that is very bad
She’s done something so bad it gives me goose bulbs.
by A directioner stan September 28, 2020
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When you light up like a Christmas tree when something that a 1D fan has done that is very bad
She’s done something so bad it gives me goose bulbs.
by Goose bulb gang September 30, 2020
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Day 9329472389474328482384729354895 of waiting for joe many liberals to change a log by bulb:
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 13, 2022
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While giving you sloppy wet head, your girl grasps your scrotum and twists it around repeatedly likes she holding and installing a light bulb. Once the scrotum is to the point of tightness and inability to twist the balls any further, she releases the sack and it spins back to its normal saggy, dangly position. Repeat as desired.
My balls are so sore today. Rachel gave me the best bulb Job last night.
by Eaton Holgoode January 24, 2018
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A practical joke where you wipe your feces onto a light bulb, and then placing the light bulb in your friend's lamp. The result, when the lights are turned on, is the smell of burnt feces throughout the house.
I left John a stink bulb on Friday night as payback for the Upper Decker he left me a month ago.
by buterrier2001 September 23, 2009
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