bukola is a sweet girl but when u get her
mad she can be a diva ,she dont give a f
what people say about ,she is bubbly funny girl and fun to be around with
when she is in the mood, and dammmm when she walks down the street she owns it...
>do u know bukola
>u mean the funny, bubbly, fun to be with bukola.
>of couse i know her
by barbie35556555 June 8, 2013
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bukola is a sweet girl she is bubbly,and funny to be around

she dont give a fxxx about what people say about her
she as the cutest smile and a sexy leg when she walks

down the street she owns it.
>DO u know bukola
>u mean the funny bubbly,bukola
>of couse i do she's bukola
by myyyyyyy-names June 9, 2013
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The Second Satan, Malicious Queen of the Evils, and the Leader of the Snakes.
Do not let your guard down when Bukola is near you.
She spits awful lies,

corrosive hate,

even grimy poison.

Bukola can be easily identified by her lack of proficiency in the English language and literature and her jarring screeches (she'll invite you to listen to her "song", but make sure to cover your ears and run away before she can start scarring your eardrums with her banjo and her voice).

The first record of Bukola can be found in the Bible, in Genesis 2:16–17, in which she coaxes and tricks Eve into eating the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
First day of school
A: Hey 'B', I met this girl named Bukola in English class today; she's pretty chill.
B: Wha... 'A', did you just say "Bukola"?
A: Yes, she's the girl with the interesting hair? Judging from what I've seen, she's definitely going to fail the course but she's alright.
B: NO! Bukola is the Queen of the Evils; SHE'S A SNAKE!
A: You mean... the Second Satan? OH NO! I heard her hair is like Medusa's but instead of turning people into stones it turns people into snakes!
B: 'A', your skin is looking a bit weird, you're not going to be a snake and become Bukola's minion, right?
by [Bryan] September 6, 2018
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