This creature is normally found outside infant school gates hunting down kids. However he can also be seen driving a white van and taking people to his basement. You may also see his rabbit teeth at an EDL march singing 'down with the browns' or 'we didnt want curry'. This person may also be found on instagram freinding random people and getting very excited when he sees a girl in his dms. This can also be known as a simp. But the great thing about this majestic beast is that hes dAtInG kAtIe sO iTs aLrIgHt.
John: you see that guy hes such a buckle
David: innit he a crazy buckle
by oLivEeEEr May 13, 2020
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In the West of Scotland, the term 'buckled', sometimes referred to as 'backlt' is used to express the action of knees buckling due to laughing to an excessive extent. It is rare that someone will actually 'buckle', yet it is still commonly used.
Judith: OMG, MY CAT JUST DIED. *creys*

Samuel Kensington of Herp Derp Co.: lawl, buckled @ that bitch. actually laughing so much i'm buckled out my skin and my internal organs.
by GregtbH March 21, 2011
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very unfourtunate looking.
Damn, that chick is buckled.
by Ryan Schroer August 16, 2005
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to get drunk beyond all recognition of what gravity is there for
oh man, I got BUCKLED last night, 10 cans of cider!
by The Bollox June 3, 2007
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buckled- when someone falls, trips, or bust their ass
Yo Genova tried to show off at the basketball in front of a lot of the hot boyz by doing a back flip and her ass got buckled. lol
by ~*Josie*~ May 5, 2005
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buckled is when someone either looks like, or has actually been punched in the face with a great-big "tombstone" belt buckle--the kind that are typically worn by those on the Professional Bull Riding circuit.
"Ooohweee dat girl is buckled!"

by Beau Coulon January 7, 2008
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Stating someone is smash-able.
Mike: Did you see Lexi tonight?
Justin: The one in the black top?
Mike: Yeah I'd buckle.
by Binkem March 4, 2011
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