Popular slang term used to depict hard work twords a long term goal that results in boost of income a.k.a bread.
Guy 1: where’s Seth? He was supposed to be at the party.

Guy 2: he's been on that grind, bread chasing with dale
by gardendale.spam September 4, 2018
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the act of hunting down some wild breads back in the day humans would chase the bread until it got tired so the humans could kill and eat it, but today it is often farmed in factory's. this bread gives the humans the carbohydrates that they need to survive and continue thriving.

(see below for a GIF of some ducks also hunting some bread)
kork: we need food me go hunt now
grok: wood food is good but try bread chasing this time brother
kork: good idea kork like this idea
by Liam Murray October 17, 2018
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To be working so hard as to be considered a bread winner.
I'm just chasing bread y'all. Some day I'm gonna have bank.
by Plusqueparfait May 6, 2019
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