To make people foolishly believe something that is not true.
Casey has been brainwashing Sheri, Greg, John, Becky, Billy, and Michael into thinking I'm a bear when I'm not.
by Karen Stickney April 29, 2006
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Controlling a person mentally, they believe everything you tell them. Telling them things they like to hear or doing things they like.
I brainwashed my girlfriend, I told her what she likes to hear.
by Kai Marie May 21, 2022
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See: television A virus that seeks to manipulate its host by means of infected data.
The television brainwashed little Johnny to blindly accept what he sees.
by JoeJoeJoe September 10, 2004
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To make people foolishly believe something that is not true.
Millions of people around the world were brainwashed in believing they were bad people.

Brainwash is evil and destructive.
by pseudonymA March 1, 2013
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What religious parents do to their children.
Lets brainwash our child to be Christian. But we're going to call it in indoctrination.
by science_ftw June 21, 2010
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Let's take our son to church so he can be programmed with the same mythological bullshit we were programmed with! This will protect him from brainwashing by the schools with their "facts".
by Olorin42 October 14, 2008
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