a cute fuzzy animal (or human) with whom you want to cuddle; perhaps a puppy or your nephew
Awww, look at that cute BOOPER! It's so fuzzy and nice! I want to take it home!

Look at you! You are such a BOOPER!
by Bontron June 7, 2007
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a girl that is a whore that goes around giving oral sex
damn dog u messin with that booper
by d-lo brown October 12, 2003
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oringinated in Houston, Texas
1. to be with you because you got money or you famous.
2. to copy, or be a copycatter
First person: Im finna get some braids.
Second person: Aw you a booper i said dat a long ass time ago.
by Cyril K. Lewis June 22, 2006
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A cutie. A person/animal/thing that is so devastatingly cute you have to *boop*.
She's a real booper! *boops nose*
by Eloraborealis January 22, 2023
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An affectionate way of mentioning about a dog’s nose.
My dog nudged me with its booper!
by Chukoloco08 July 21, 2022
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To operate the breasts, do a surgery that they are bigger.
Look how big they are, I think Sarah just did a booperation!
by tristanX4 August 28, 2009
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