Girl: Hey!
Guy: Hey!
Girl: Do you like BOBA!? because I do :)
Guy: Ew, you're nasty.
Girl: -_______________-" I didn't mean it that way, COME BACK!
by millionbrazillions May 15, 2010
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An Asian American that attempts to represent either all or a large group of Asian Americans and often speak on their behalf regarding issues pertaining to Asian Americans. BOBAs will bolster their credibility toward said issues by, directly or indirectly, displaying superficial Asian traits or qualities. Such qualities include but are not limited to their affinity towards Boba Milk Tea, their Asian name, their Asian friends, them growing up in the Asian community, and things of the like. The qualities need not be superficial in itself, but are superficial as it relates to the topic being discussed or the group they are representing. Often times BOBAs express their views with intentions to gain likeability from non-Asian groups.

** BOBAs' actions result in gaslighting real issues faced by Asian Americans. **
Non-Asian Friend: They say Asians are privileged in America. What do you have to say about that?

BOBA: I grew up around Asians and I KNOW that Asians are not marginalized. AND my name is Ming, I mean, come on. All Asians are privileged, end of story. Let's go, I'll show you around. We'll grab some Boba Milk Tea on the way. It's like our Starbucks, we love our boba.

Non Asian Friend : Oh alright. Aren't we suppose to pick up your cousin Jun?

Boba: Oh, you mean Joe Bob? That's what he likes to be called. Nah, he's going to meet us there. You can't miss him. He drives a '95 F-150 with the Flag in his bed. No matter what you do, don't get him started on how the Chinese brought over the virus. He thinks it's entirely their fault.
by hongkongcurryman January 19, 2021
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Bubble tea, AKA the most overrated drink on the planet. Boba selling areas are usually crowded with typical Asians, mostly Chinese, queuing up to blow their cash away just to 'follow the trend' like a sheep. In fact, this trend has spreaded very quickly to the point where it caused lengthy traffic jams in certain areas.
I don't understand what's so great about Boba. After all, it is just milk tea with brown sugar, which come in the form of tapioca pearls.

(Yes, I'm an Asian and a Chinese. But honestly, not a fan of Boba.)
by Leong@1385 July 31, 2019
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An awesome drink that has tapioca balls at the bottom sold at Zen Zoo and other various stores. Also a very good use for shooting the tapioca balls from a straw at random people in the street from your car.
*awesome people driving in car drinking boba*
Awesome person 1 shoots boba at man in street
man in street: OUCH FUCK YOU!
*car drives away*
laughing histaricly
person 2: Boba is the best!
Person 3: Lets go to Zenzoo again!
by Saba October 27, 2004
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did you see that boba?
yeah he was so cute!
by l.pham July 17, 2011
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Dad of all daddies. Legendary master of lust and romance. Some say he is a myth cos he is too good to be true. Rumour has it that he was once spotted at Yishun. Must be amazing.
Omg I think he is the boba of my life
by Bardok September 25, 2019
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1. A delicious Asian frozen beverage.

2. A call made to others meaning "I need boba!"
Boba! I'm so thirsty!
by Critter September 24, 2005
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