When you black out while the sky is still blue
Cody: Wanna day drink this weekend?

Matt: Always. I'm ready to Blue Out
by mattmcnasty March 1, 2019
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Blacking out due to staring at a screen for too long.
I have a dream of becoming a programmer, and what do I get at the end of it? oh yeah, i get to BLUE OUT. FUCK THIS SHIT.
by helhoot November 20, 2022
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A racist movement posting blue squares in honor of police officers
Betty posted a blue square on her instagram for blue out, what a hypocrite!”
by fatbussy August 7, 2020
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'The Blue Fell Out Cult' is thought to be a nickname for the very awesome fobr boards.
Person one: Woah, Fiona joined and blue fell out cult!!1
person two: wow she is the roffle waffle of the party!
by Sophay February 5, 2008
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