Basically Bless Has Alot Of Definitions..

Bless can be said after someone sneezes.. and is believe by some people.. that when people sneeze.. it means that their soul is trying to escape.. for some reason.
When someone says bless to the person that sneezes.. it apparently keeps their soul in their body..

Bless is also used by teenagers.. some adults.. a few kids.. but generally teenagers.. who are either chavs, rudeboys or "goons".. They use the term "bless" after they've spoken to someone.. generally used once a conversation is over.. to show their appreciation..

Finally the word bless is used as a response to someone who has either said anything sweet.. or done anything sweet..
Example 1:
Philip: AHCHOO!
Sandra: Bless You
Philip: Ahh, thanks Sandra

Example 2:
Deniz: WAG1 FAM, Manz Been Finkin Bout New Ways To Make Money
Charles: Well, Maybe you could get a job??
Deniz: Nah Bruv, Dats A Trek..
Charles: Well.. Sorry.. I'm clueless.. I don't think there's any other way
Deniz: Ayt Den, Safe Ye..
Charles: Oh yes! Bye then!
Deniz: Bless

Example 3:
Susan: Awww.. He just wrote me a poem :)
Cassandra: Aww.. Bless his little cotton socks
by AshleyLeigh July 4, 2009
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in my area its wot rude boys say 2 each other wen they part company ... its like sayin goodbye
im goin now ma breadbin ... bless!

they do it cos they think if they hug each otha ppl will think that theyre gay
by breadbin October 30, 2003
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To thoroughly enrich someone’s life. This can be with affection, gifts, extravagant dates, financial support, etc. that entertain and excite both parties. The person receiving the blessing reciprocates with appreciation and enthusiasm in the beginning. This can initiate relationships of all forms and is always in play with every single person. Relationships give many examples of someone blessing someone else by spending time, money, and effort to please their significant other, close friend, or family member. This is usually done out of love, genuine affection, or simply some form of attraction.
“Girl, I will bless your life!”
“I’ve blessed her with a Benz and a condo, so why is she acting like such a brat?!”
by thechancelor September 14, 2019
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Blessing is one of the most beautiful people you will EVER meet. She is extremely kind and generous. She is popular but she doesn't let that get to her head. She is actually really smart even though she may seem like she's not. On the outside, she is smiling but deep down she is actually hurt. She wants someone that will love for who she is, not for her popularity and looks. All the boys want her, all the girls want to be her and everyone wants to be her friend.
*blessing walks in the room*
*all eyes on her*
by teehee_1 June 5, 2020
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When someone does something kind or pulls through and has your back.

When you thank someone for doing something for you, you tell them they “blessed it
He delivered food to my quarantine, he really blessed it!
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you will never meet such a gamer in your life. he's a son of christ.
we should all be a lil more like blessing
by uendc09d41npij1vdnx`i0z9u-3syu October 18, 2018
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The word bless is used variously depending upon the situation.

1.Bless is commonly used when somebody sneezes because apparently when a person sneezes their soul is trying to escape their body (which is obviously a load of bullshit) Saying "bless you" when somebody sneezes is just a mark of politeness, more like having manners.

2.In England "bless" is genuinely often used instead of saying "aww" This often confuses a lot of my American friends.

3. Again in England "bless" is also used sarcastically in a patronising manner. Some may find this funny or annoying, depending upon their humor but sometimes the phrase "Bless your cotton socks" is over used which makes people punchable.
Mark: "ACHOOO!"
Sarah: "Bless you!"
Mark: "Thank you :)"

Samantha: "Look at this sweet message Daniel sent me!"
Mariam: "Bless!"

Lorraine: "Ugh I fell down the stairs this morning and now my back really hurts"
Hannah: "AHA bless your cotton socks."
Lorraine: "Mhmm, I think Peter is meeting me after school today"
Hannah: "Bless his cotton socks."
Lorraine: "STFU"
by BrittCurry December 17, 2011
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