A task that calls for a lot of effort but with unpleasing or in rare occasions undesired results, but if said task is not completed, the outcome could be much worse.
example 1
"Mark is at work, but has left his key here. Someone's gonna have to take it to him."
"Sod that dude, I'm stoned. Get him to come back here."
"You have to go. he can't come back here because he has some stew in the slow cooker at homee."
example 2
"having to put 5 tags into the Urban Dictionary is a right blag"

by LeiMagnus June 20, 2007
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blag is where someone can be concidered lying, in a big headed way. or in such a way it is hard to beleive what they are telling you...
"i got a 50 inch plasma screen tv at my house"

"britani is gay"
by Alexg May 30, 2005
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An expression of disgust used primarily to indicate disapproval about the state of something.
"BLAG! This drink is awful."
by Amanda August 25, 2004
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Similar to the words "crack" and "banter", can be used to represent an activity or talking.
1. Last night was good blag
2. I love Harry's blag
by MosesOfNewcastle May 29, 2007
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Something that means nothing. Much like blah. Often used when there is no real answer.
Stephen: Are you doing anything?
Travis: blag....
by Bob799 August 7, 2006
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