My step dad is illiterate and uses this word. He also uses like 8 commas in one sentence to seem educated. I think he means this word as like frustrated or annoyed? But it has never been confirmed.
I'm sick of all of your bitterment and unforgivingness.
by SadBitterment April 24, 2017
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A feeling of deep anger and resentment. Bitterness is an emotion which encompasses both anger and hate, often people who are bitter appear to the world as just going around pissed off at everyone and everything. However bitterness is often a result of some past event which has hurt, scarred and jaded the person.
Mary let her bitterness she felt towards her family consume her.
by OneBadAsp November 4, 2006
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He's so bitter all the damn time.
by Adrian July 3, 2006
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someone who shows resentment and/or hatred towards someone or something
Learning to forgive is more healthier than being bitter.
by Gerard Irick January 28, 2010
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Expression of being in a bad mood over a relatively minor incident, often resulting after a series of minor bad events over the course of a certain period of time
I am so bitter this morning. Last night I forgot to set my alarm clock an hour back for daylight savings so it went off an hour early and I couldn't fall back asleep, I went to go eat breakfast and their was mold on the bread and we were out of pulp free OJ, and I didn't have any clean socks so I had to wear flip flops to school in the rain and I hate school in the rain, don't you?
by rah rah May 21, 2005
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English beer that is brewed to be usually %9 alcohol (versus the pussy-ass 3.2 beer of the 'states) and is meant to be served at room temperature. Bitters usually has a bitter taste, initially, but as you drink it the lager tends to have a sweet after taste that really grows on you.
Oi, John, a pint of bitters for me and me boys!
by Bill Brasky February 2, 2005
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