A person who is emotionaly, sexually, physically and spiritually attracted to both genders. A person who also can find it hard to decide which sex to be with; but isn't someone who does it for attention, or desperation.
by Meagen January 22, 2004
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One who finds dating women and men equally wonderful.
Jack has been in a successful relationship with Bob and Jane. Jack is bisexual.
by elfqueen February 25, 2015
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someone attracted to both males and females. you'll likely find them wearing cuffed jeans and tucked in shirts jamming out to sweater weather by the neighborhood.
after sophie's girlfriend broke up with her, she caught feelings for her male friend. sophie is bisexual.
by super_gay October 29, 2019
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Describing something that has the romantic and/or sexual attraction to both genders. Although it was once a word used almost solely to describe someone who ACTUALLY is bisexual, it has come to also mean attention-seeking, scene kid.

Please, unless you are actually bisexual, don't come out as one. Typically, people who aren't and do, will say that they are straight again soon after. This has already lead to the much of the LGBT community to hate on bisexuals and others outside of it to think being LGBT is a choice.

Being LGBT isn't a choice, so stop acting like it.

Person 1: Zach is dating Samantha.
Person 2: Wait, I though he dated Stan. Isn't he gay?
Person 1: Nope he's bisexual.

Scene kid 1: yah im totaly bisexual now c:
Scene kid 2: o rly? so u wanna go out sometime?
Scene kid 1: nope i only date boys. dating girls is gross XD
Actual bisexual: Shut the fuck up.
by VoodooPenguinPH February 18, 2013
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person, male or female, who is sexually attracted to both men and women
a bisexual is like a like a bicycle- rolling on both ends... of the sexual spectrum
by km96793 February 25, 2009
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Doing the same thing as everyone else but with more finger guns. Good at spewing random-ass puns.
I'm bisexual 👉😎👉
by spisgrl May 12, 2020
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