A horrible, mind crippling, disease that is passed by horrible radio stations and delusional fans of disgusting music.
Nate: why are you bleeding out of your ears?

John: I seemed to have contracted beiberitis
by carrion420 November 1, 2013
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A beiber is a very small penis. Usually under 4 inches.
John was embarrased when everyone found out he had a beiber.
by gummydubbs February 27, 2011
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An insulting term with more merit than racial or homophobic slurs. The most insulting thing that anyone could ever be called.
"I can't believe this shit, this is so Beiber!"
"Dude stop being so Beiber."
"That's Beiber"
by DJ Camel March 12, 2015
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When a twenty-something female gets checked out by a young male between the ages of 13-16, who looks like Justin Beiber.
Person 1: Omgosh - did you see that kid? He just checke me out!
Person 2: Girl, you've just been beiberized!
by Chica Bomb May 5, 2010
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A homosexual act when a man is giving a deep throat blowjerky to another man while simultaneously roughly fingering his hairy anus.
Did you hear that Justin now has a colon problem. Yea, I bet it is due to the violent Beiber he so graciously received last night.
by Spurgeon December 6, 2009
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Another word for Bitch. Can be used to describe an unpleasant person or event.
Derived from the singer Justin Beiber.
That guy is such a Beiber!
Beiber Please!
It was raining like a Beiber last night.
by LuciFerSure March 24, 2010
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the period of growth of a child well before they reach puberty; espescially when they are at an age where they shouldve hit puberty years ago,
Poor kid, he's only Beiber and his 15!
by Happyfacewithbigsmile April 14, 2010
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