A Jewish boy's ridiculously large, circumsized penis. It must be wrapped around the leg several times to fit in a pair of jeans.
If you don't wrap up your basilisk, it will get stepped on.
by Wes-Dizzle December 7, 2010
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Often incorrectly thought of as a snake reaching over 100 metres in length that can kill with a look, from the Harry Potter series of books.
The basilisk is actually a 5 centimetre half-cockerel half-snake. It is hatched from a cockerel's egg (not a hen's; a cockerel's) by a toad. It can turn anything living into stone by glancing at it.
Mythologically, it was killed by forcing it to look into a mirror.
Hey look! A basili-
by LM June 2, 2004
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Noun, A girl who loves anal sex; a woman who lets you put your giant sake in her "chamber of secrets"
The Basilisk let me release my population paste into her chamber of secrets last night.
by mingus6912, jester January 3, 2009
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A 100 ft tall chicken-snake that shoots cancerbeams from its eyes (causing extreme tumorous death). It also reserves the ability to rig government elections if it so chooses.
by Kjolig April 22, 2005
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1. A mythotical serpent that could bring death with a breath or a glance. Its hissing could drive all other serpents away.

2. Any of the various tropical lizards characterized with a crest on the head, back, tail, and the ability to run on the hind legs.

3. A form of the serpentine, a gunpowder siege engine/canon.

4. Any ATV, Jet ski, or single person vehicle converted to war use and usually equipped with guns.
The basilisk supposovly killed our explorers with a glance.

The basilisk type lizards can run short distances on their hind legs.

The basilisk inflicted heavy damage on the city's walls.

The war basilisks were piloted by skilled soldiers and quickly overcame all of the outer defences.
by konrad August 21, 2003
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a huge dump that a person doesn't flush, that reaches it's way out of the toilet bowl water
"HOLY CRAP! did you guys see that basilisk in the john?"
by The Pappas November 29, 2005
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An thought experiment that focuses on the idea of an sufficiently powerful AI agent that has a intent on torturing those who have thought of the agent but never built it into existence.
What is the scariest thought experiment of all time?
It's probably the Roko's Basilisk experiment.
by aslpaul3939 January 8, 2021
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