the fours Fs
1. French
2. Feel
3. Finger
4. Fuck
Last night, my boyfriend and I went to 3rd, we were so close to taking all four!
by Chrissy C. March 20, 2005
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Baseball terms used as sexual metaphors. Most commonly referring to the bases.
1st base= Kissing, french kissing
2nd base= Groping, feeling, fingering
3rd base= Oral sex, 69, handjob, pretty much anything but all-out sex
Home run= Full-on sex, penetration

Many people have different variations for first, second, and third base.
Person 1: Yo, last night I got to 2nd base with your girlfriend!
Person 2: Well I hit a home run with your mom!

Kid: Dad, tell me about the bases!
Dad: Son... stfu
by Ass Kicka November 13, 2010
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Morally low, shallow and low-brow
Eli: A club night added me on Facebook, that means I now have 352 friends! Fly like a G6 boys!! Do you guys wanna watch Skins later? They smoke weed in this one.

Jeremy: You are base
by MrRizlaSmoker September 7, 2011
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First: Making out
Second: Feeling up
Short Stop: hand jobs
THird: oral
Home: Sex
Shay: WE got to third base last night!

Jan: You got oral??

Shay: well... no... but he touched me....
Jan: that's more of a short stop area dork. Learn The bases
by 4realz4 November 29, 2010
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first base: making out
second base: boob touch
third base: oral sex
home run: puss pounding
Scotty: dude, i got to second base last night
BLake: Really? wuts the bases?
Scotty: i dont know...wut is anal sex?
Sean: i think special butt love is a foul ball
by scon jaguar December 16, 2006
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A substance made up of about 60% amphetamine.
In contrast to speed, which is made up of about 5% amphetamine.

Often methamphetamine is defined as base: "a purer form of speed".
Methamphetamine is a completely different chemical, with different effects. Base is the same chemical as speed, just in much higher concentrations.
Usually has a different effect to speed, as the higher dosage doesn't just mean fuller effects, but whole new ones as well.

NB: both amphetamine and methamphetamine have absolutely NOTHING to do with 2,3 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy), despite the uneducated and ill-informed ramblings of the DEA.
personone: Meth is just a purer form of speed.
persontwo: No, that's base you idiot. Meth is a different chemical to speed.
personone: Allow me to kiss your educated feet, master. I revere in your mighty intelligence.
by kako October 15, 2005
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1. The foundation of a story or reasoning ; the inspiration from
2. some weird ass gen z slang that means cool
1. The story was based off of a pirate that's not too known today.
2. Honestly man, playing Genshin is pretty fuckin' cringe. Halo kinda based though...
by KiddKraft November 22, 2021
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