Mint, Fit, good, sly, (bad/naughty)
If a girl is fit u say bad
girl = wel fit u say baadd
girl = ruthlessly fit u say bbbbbbbaaaaadddddd
tez says - chek 'er shes bad
phil says - yehhh she's baaaaaaddd m88888
by Phillian June 9, 2005
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jacky and paras are GOOD with the ladies (dude, dont ask me why.. but they are ok!) and so they needed a word to emphasize how much the ladies wanted them. it grew out of one of their male bonding bus journeys, when jacky and/or paras started empahsising the a's in bad, when describing how a girl wanted the other and their voices grew deeper and deeper.

how does she want you?

(1 b, 3a's, 2d's)
jacky said to paras: she wants you baaadd

paras said to jacky: she wants you baaadd

jackys sister said to jacky: she wants you bad
jacky said to his sister: its spelt with 3 b's and 2 d's, man
by narin January 26, 2005
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